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You Are What You Eat. So Eat Well!

Updated: May 10, 2023

What you ingest directly corresponds with how your body looks and feels. You are a high quality human and you deserve to feed yourself high quality food. High quality food doesn't have to be expensive; instead choose to eat unprocessed, nutritious ingredients. Think of your diet as, the fuel to help you live and the gas that keeps your daily processes going. By choosing to eat high quality whole foods, you are giving your body the best possible chance to load up on all the nutrients you need to not just survive, but thrive. Some bodies respond better to high protein and high fat, while others live better with a mix of complex carbs, fats and proteins. Your overall goal is to find the diet that your body thrives on long term. One packed with the macronutrients and micronutrients to make your body and mind work at its prime.

Macronutrients Carbohydrates, both soluble and insoluble, are important for healthy energy levels. Soluble carbs are the blood sugar, or glucose, that is processed as your first line of muscle and brain energy. Insoluble carbs, also known as fiber, are indigestible particles that help keep our blood sugar balanced, keep us full between meals, and keep our digestion moving regularly & solid. Simple carbs are single, soluble glucose molecules that get absorbed into the bloodstream very quickly. Think candy, syrups, fruit juice concentrate, any baked goods with added sugars. Simple carbs are great for before a long run or other endurance sport because they can be utilized as energy quickly. Complex carbs are made up of long chains of soluble and insoluble molecules linked together. This makes them harder to digest and better for sustained blood sugar and long term energy. Complex Carbohydrates can be found in: potatoes, seeds, whole grains, beans, dark skinned berries, starchy vegetable and fibrous fruits.

Proteins are the building blocks of tissue, necessary for building healthy muscles & joints, maintaining fluid balance, andstrengthening the immune system. Proteins are comprised of 20 amino acids; 11 of these amino acids are produced by the human body. The other 9 are considered Essential Amino Acids, and must be consumed through food. Foods containing all 9 Essential Amino Acids are called Complete Proteins. These include animal sources like: meat, poultry, fish, eggs and dairy. But can be found in plants sources in smaller amounts such as: quinoa, buckwheat, hempseed, blue-green algae, soybeans, and the combination of beans & rice. Because of their long complex structures, proteins take the longest to digest. This makes them an important part of curbing cravings.

Fats have many functions but mostly are necessary for absorbing nutrients, balancing hormones, and cushioning our organs. When fats are digested they are broken down into fatty acids that absorb fat soluble micronutrients to fuel the brain and body. There are three types of fats we need to note: polyunsaturated, monounsaturated and saturated. We get our Saturated fats from animal proteins and coconut products, whereas unsaturated fats (Omega 3, 6 & 9)are found in things like nuts and seeds, olive oil, avocado, and fatty fish like salmon or mackerel. A recent study mentioned a diet rich in Omega 3 fatty acids helped reduce the risk of fertility related syndromes. Aim to add 1 tbsp of omegas to each meal, roughly the volume of your thumb.

FUN FACT: The same receptors in the body that crave sugar are satiated when we eat proteins and fats. Meals low in protein usually leave us feeling hungry for sugary sweets.

Micronutrients Also commonly known as vitamins and minerals, Micronutrients are the micro substances that our bodies require to function. Everything system in the body whether it's breathing, digesting, thinking, walking, sleeping... uses micronutrients to survive. We get these vitamins and minerals from eating a balance diet rich in high quality meat and produce. Eating as many colorful fruits, vegetable, and whole grains ensures the widest variety of micronutrients in your diet.

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