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Three Quick Tips To Help Lose The Weight & Keep It Off

It’s the new year and you want to get in shape. Maybe you want to lose the holiday body fat you gained while on family vacation. Or perhaps it's your first time working out and you don't know where to start. Or maybe it's just that time of year for you to start thinking about how you're going to feel in a bikini. Most of the New Year's goals I hear boil down to: losing body fat, looking leaner, and having more energy. So what do you do next?

1. Focus On Protein & Fiber Intake

When it comes to the age old question, “what do I eat?” my answer is simple. Focus on consuming lean organic/grass fed/wild protein sources, as well as fibrous plant ingredients. These are two macro nutrients that will fill you up and fuel your body to have natural energy throughout your day. Proteins are the building blocks of lean tissue, the "bricks" of building muscle. In order to strengthen and build your muscles you must have proper protein intake. Fibrous plants are low in calories but packed full of nutrients that will give your metabolism a boost! Making protein and fiber intake your main goals allows you to eat a variety of delicious foods full of nutrients and flavor with minimal restriction.

2. Resistance train 3x week

In order to lose body fat and keep it off, your body needs to build a little muscle. Strong muscles work hard burning energy (aka calories), whereas fat just sits on your body like lazy coworkers who input nothing. Resistance training is a key component in all health & fitness journeys. Specifically a resistance training program that focuses on progressive overload of

the muscles. Progressive overload is essentially calculated stress placed upon your muscles to slowly and sustainably build strength. This calculated process will be less damaging to your connective tissue, thus avoiding injury and keeping you moving. You may see some results from taking your fave exercise classes, however those classes focus on calorie burn in the moment, whereas a resistance training program focuses on building muscle for consistent calorie burning now and later.

3. Walk 1-3 miles 6-7x week

You would be surprised what a difference a good walk will do you. During this time of year especially we get so cooped up inside. Don'y fall victim to the cold, layer up and get out there. You’ll be greeted out the front door with piercing cold air in your lungs and warm sun on your face. Take this time to breathe deeply, meditate, and either get your day started or decompress from a long day behind your computer. No matter when you go or how much you break it up into, WALK IT OUT. Walk like you mean it. Get tall, stretch out, feel each step, get the blood flowing. Especially for my desk gang out there, take this time to stretch your forearms out, and clear your head. No matter if it's 3 miles straight, or 6 little half milers the steps all add up the same.

Every health & fitness journey is unique, but the science behind strength gain and sustained weight loss applies to all. Focusing on these three quick tips will guide you in the direction of reaching your goals and with enough consistency and effort you CAN and WILL succeed at losing body fat and keeping it off!

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