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Tired Of Eating The Same Meals?

Looking for inspiration to spice up your weekly menu? Let me help you out.

Like anyone my eating habits tend to get repetitive. I like what I like, and often get caught on recipes that are easy to put together and don't require a ton of clean up.

Today I will share three of my favorite staple recipes that are high in protein, won't spike your blood sugar, and take minimal time to cook and clean up.

Before I dive into the recipes I want to touch a little balancing your blood sugar at each meal. Diabetics aren't the only ones who need to pay attention to their blood sugar levels.

Starting with the functions of Proteins, Carbohydrates, Fibers, and Fats in the body.

Carbohydrates are the first line of energy to be metabolized by the digestive tract. Simple carbohydrates (or sugar carbs) are your body's quick energy, immediately breaking down into glucose. Whereas complex carbohydrates (starch/fiber carbs) break down slower and provide longer lasting fuel. Fibers not only slow your breakdown of carbs, but also give you the full feeling to help you stay fuller longer and crave less.

Next is Protein, the building blocks of your body's tissue. Necessary for not only building lean muscle but also creating strong ligaments and tendons preventing injury long term. Protein does not break down into sugar and therefore never spikes the blood sugar.

Lastly we have our Heart Healthy Fats: Avocado oil, Olive oil, Sesame Seed oil, and Coconut Oil in moderation. Fats are carriers of specific fat soluble micronutrients, as well as protection for your heart and brain. Fats also do not break down into sugars and therefore do not spike your blood sugar levels.

Knowing how these macronutrients fuel you, and what foods they come from is the best nutritional knowledge one can have. With this knowledge you're able to create meals from high fiber carbohydrates, lean proteins, and heart healthy fats, cooking up the ultimate fuel to nourish your bodies.

Okay onto the fun stuff!


First on the list of GO TO quick meals are these Asian-Inspired Lettuce Cups. They are the perfect refreshing dinner for those times of year when you need something more than a salad but less than a rice bowl. Personally I like these with Turkey, Bison, or Beef, but they would be delish with some Beyond Meat or Tempeh too.

Asian-Inspired Ground Turkey Lettuce Cups


- 1 lb Ground Turkey or other ground protein source

- 1 head of Romaine lettuce

- 1/4 cup Coconut Aminos (or soy sauce)

- 1/4 cup packed Dark Coconut Sugar

- 2 tbsp Toasted Sesame Seed Oil

- 1 tsp ground Ginger

- 1/2 tsp Chili Oil or Red Pepper

- 1 tsp Tapioca Starch or other emulsifier

- Sesame Seeds & Green Onions for garnish

- optional: steamed rice for those trying to add bulk.

  1. Start by browning your protein in a pan. While that is cooking we will mix up the sauce.

  2. In a cup combine: coconut aminos, dark sugar, sesame oil, ginger, chili and starch. Whisk together until clumps have dissolved. Set aside.

  3. Next tear your Romaine lettuce into single leaf pieces. Wash pieces individually, dry and then set aside.

  4. Once your protein is nearly cooked, turn the heat down and poor sauce over top mixing well to coat all your protein.

  5. And that's it! Serve your protein inside your romaine cups, top with sesame seeds, green onions, and whatever else you desire.


Next up we have a meal that I refer to, simply as, Bowls. They are quick, easy, and SO versatile. Depending on what spices you choose, these bowls can be taco inspired, poke inspired, mediterranean inspired, you name it!

Mexican-Inspired Protein & Veggie Bowl


- 1-2 Frozen Protein Patties of Choice

- 1-2 cups Frozen Mixed Veggies

- Various Spices of Choice

- Spring Mix or Cabbage base

- Toppings of your liking: (cheese, jalapeños, pickled veggies, salsa, oil&vinegar, olives, green onions, etc)

  1. Start by making up your lettuce base. I like to keep mine simple with olive oil and a vinegar of sorts.

  2. Next in a pan cook up your frozen veggies. I usually keep some type of medley in my freezer for times that I really have no time or can't be bothered to chop anything.

  3. Season your veggies as much as you'd like go wild with it! (I usually like a mix of Cumin, Paprika, Salt, Pepper and Mustard.)

  4. Once your veggies are cooked place them in your bowl over your salad base. In the same pan cook up your frozen patties of choice. Veggie patties, beef or turkey patties, even salmon or shrimp patties.

  5. As your patties start to cook through, take a wooden spoon and break apart the patties into bite size pieces. They will cook up more evenly and quicker this way. Season to your liking.

  6. Final step is to top your bowl with whatever your heart desires, (onions, salsa, nutritional yeast, cheese, avocado, nuts and seeds, more olive oil...


Lastly we have our beloved tacos! There are so many delicious ways to make tacos, but a GO TO in my household are my Baja-Inspired Grilled Fish Tacos. I love most all seafood, and especially some fresh Bluefin from my fiancé on a summer evening. Feel free to use any meaty fish, or even a vegetarian bean or "fish" alternative.

Baja-Inspired Blackened Tuna Tacos


- Siete Foods Almond Flour Tortillas

- Fresh Tuna or other Protein of Choice

- Toasted Sesame Seed Oil

- Blackening Seasonings (pepper, chili pepper, paprika, mustard, cumin, oregano, thyme, salt)

- 1 Bell Pepper (yellow/red/orange)

- Spring Mix or Cabbage Slaw

Baja Sauce:

- 1 part Salsa : 1 part Mayonnaise

(don't knock it till you try it)

  1. Start by mixing blackening seasoning and prepping your fish. Once sliced & rinsed, ensure your tuna is pat dry before coating all sides with seasoning. Set aside.

  2. Tuna cooks quick so we are going to prep all our other toppings first. Start with your bell peppers, slice them into small bite size pieces, and sauté until caramelized. set aside.

  3. Prep your spring mix or cabbage mix and make sure you've chopped it finely for easy topping.

  4. Now it's time to sear your Tuna. In a pan, on high heat add enough sesame oil to just barely coat the bottom. When you know the oil is hot, gently place your blackened tuna pieces trying not to splash hot oil. Depending on the thickness of your pieces cook each side for 3-5 min on each side, don't over cook it! You want to still be able to see a little raw meat in the center, because the pieces will continue to cook while they rest.

  5. Lastly toast up some tortillas on the open flame for that roasted authentic taste. Each taco gets 1-2 pieces of tuna, caramelized peppers, salad, and Baja sauce.

Man typing these recipes up is making me hungry, I might just have to go make myself a bowl or dinner! I sure hope these have inspired you to get creative with your flavors and explore new meals for your weekly menus.

Remember the importance of prioritizing lean proteins, fibrous carbohydrates, and heart healthy fats. Keep working on balancing your meals and continuing to fuel your most healthiest self!

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